When the board of AEGEE-Bilbao made the call for the organising team for the SU, they indicated that organising this event would be a unique experience in life and that it would make us grow as a team (and as a person). After organising “SSC: The Five SENSES of BILBAO” the only thing we can say is that it was true... and we learnt much more!
The organization of this event has meant facing deadlines that, casually, coincided with exam periods, which made us organise ourselves better and manage the quality of the previous work. It has meant dealing with moments of big stress when we were tired. But, most importantly, it has meant enjoying a job well done and watching that the participants, not only having a great time, but also learning about our region and culture. Keep getting messages from the SU group chat, of participants with the “IkurriƱa”, singing the song of “Mari Jaia” or watching how they export “Kalimotxo” to their hometown it’s something that not everyone gets to experience.
Not everything was happiness and a path of roses. As we said before, we had challenges to overcome. Three were the most important ones undoubtedly: fixing everything we wanted to do in just one week, being able to do it with the small budget we had in a city like Bilbao and choosing the participants. We had a big amount of applications and we wanted a diverse and varied group that would be very energetic so that they could face and enjoy all we had prepared for them, which was a not an easy task. And we wanted the best participants. After the event, we happily can say that we got them: punctual, full of energy from first to last minute and proactive, wanting to do each and every one of the activities. As for the other two, having a motivated organising and helper team was a key point to get this event forward. It should be noted that we were all from AEGEE-Bilbao, so we all had infinite desire for a super event to come out.
(Leyre Bayona, Nerea Perez, Nerea Rubio,Fernando Balza, Diego Pineda - Organizers of "The Five SENSES of BILBAO”)
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