“To travel is to live”, as the famous writer of fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen once said. But what is the true motive of travelling? Is it for fun? Is it for finding yourself? Is it for discovering new places? Is it to escape everyday life? We, as youngsters, we call ourselves travelers, dreamers and changemakers. The Difference between a Traveler and a Summer University Participant Of course, you should have heard the difference between a tourist and a traveler. But this article is not another article about it. Today, we will inform you about a 30 years category of travelling type, called the SUer. What moves young people from all over Europe to step out of their comfort zone, to quite a healthy sleep pattern and cozy beds and particularly what is a SUer? The SUer travels in order to meet other people, people with whom they share common values. People from various parts of this globe. They're going to create stories, memories and experience true adventures tog...